Welcome to the section dedicated to active and expired promotions of Grim Network! Here you will find a complete list of our offers and related rules and regulations. Be sure to carefully read the terms of each promotion to ensure proper participation and enjoy the most of our exclusive benefits.
Active Promotions
By subscribing to the newsletter in the dedicated section or through the pop-ups on the website, you will receive a welcome email with two discount codes.
A 20% discount that can only be used for the purchase of products from:
Discount to be used for the purchase of Viessmann Vitoclima 232-S air conditioners:
in white color.
The MCZ brand has planned an imminent price increase for their articles.
In our section dedicated to their brand, you can still buy MCZ products at the current price, without any increase.
The promotion is valid from 22/01/2024 to 18/02/2024.
The promotion, if active, allows you to purchase any CADEL product with a 10% discount. To benefit from the offer, you must add the desired item to your shopping cart and enter the following discount code at the time of purchase:Â
Offer valid from 22/01/2024 to 18/02/2024.
In this month’s promotions section you will find a limited range of MCZ brand products at a special price, while stocks last. These models predate the new ones currently on the market and are very similar in performance.
The products sold in the “PROMO DESTOCK” space enjoy the standard warranty and sales conditions. Availability indicated on the site may be subject to change.
Buy in all serenity!
PayPal, credit card or bank transfer
From purchase to implementation
24 months warranty for lack of conformity