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No, you do not need to be registered, but it is highly recommended. The registration allows you to access additional services and store your data without entering them at each purchase.

To purchase, you can choose to pay via PayPal, credit card linked to PayPal, Multisafepay, or via bank transfer. If you pay via bank transfer, the shipment of the ordered goods will take place only when we receive the amount due.

Yes, you can. Our products are designed to achieve maximum energy efficiency and sustainability. However, everything depends on the benefits provided in your country. Rely upon a consultant or contact us to know what bonuses you can obtain in Italy.

No, we do not. Delivery takes place at street level, and it is arranged by appointment, depending on your availability.


The consumer who intends to make use of the right of withdrawal for any reason must send a specific communication by registered letter to , via Divisione Aqui, 29, 70014 Conversano ( BA ), IT, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the products. The consumer would keep the products’ original packaging, and make sure products are intact when returned to the warehouse. Shipping costs will be at your expense.

All products sold by Grim Network s.r.l. are covered by a conventional warranty provided by the manufacturer and a 24-month warranty for lack of conformity under DL 24/02. To benefit from customer support, keep the invoice (or DDT) you receive by e-mail or mail.

You can request a replacement if this is expressly provided by the manufacturer. Timing of replacement or eventual repair of the product depends exclusively on manufacturers’ policies. Therefore, Grim Network cannot be held accountable in any way. Always keep the warranty and the purchase invoice.

5 questions published by users.

  1. Joeri Klinkhamer says:


    What is the delivery lead time for the MCZ Ego comfort air 10Kw M2 Color: Dark Metal. Shipping to The Netherlands.

    Many thanks & kind regards,
    Joeri Klinkhamer

  2. Kim Kanopka says:


    Can you sell the Sergio Leoni marlene stove (or any other model) to the USA?

    1. shopmanager says:

      Hello, I am writing to you from Grim Network Srl regarding your request for a Sergio Leoni stove. My name is Ronni and I apologise for the delay in replying to you, but we were closed for holidays over the Christmas period.

      However, yes… we can sell the Sergio Leoni stove in the US. Tell me which one you prefer and I will also give you a quote for transporting it.

      Thanks again for contacting us.

      Ronni Benigno
      E-commerce Manager
      Grim Network Srl

  3. Gerard Eliëns says:

    Sergio Leni Marlene Tonda quali sono i costi di trasporto per l’invio di una stufa a pellet in Olanda? La porta può essere fornita anche in argento spazzolato. E quali sono i costi di questo. Hai anche una foto della Tonda Ivory white con anta in look acciaio inox

    1. shopmanager says:

      Buongiorno mr Eliens… grazie per averci contattato. Sono Ronni e sono il responsabile e-commerce di Grim Network Srl.

      Purtroppo non è possibile avere la porta in argento spazzolato. Per quanto riguarda il costo della spedizione, esso è di 400€.

      Attendo un suo riscontro, restando a vostra disposizione.

      Grazie ancora

      Ronni Benigno
      Grim Network Srl

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